Core Products and Services

Easy Carbon Management - Carbon Emission Management SaaS Software

Easy Carbon Management - Carbon Emission Management SaaS Software

The "Easy Carbon Management" SaaS product is an informational tool for enterprise carbon management. It has integrated domestic and international mainstream GHG accounting frameworks and standards. It can not only be flexibly used by different business sectors and operation areas of a company, but can also be extended to the carbon emission management of upstream supply chain and product LCA.

Carbon Discovery® Database

Carbon Discovery® Database

GSG Carbon Discovery® Database is developed under the support and guidance of National Climate Strategy Center (NCSC). Our carbon emission models are built based on TCFD, PCAF and other international authoritative methodologies, and self-reported emissions supplemented with physical and economic activity-based data. We aim at eventually assisting investors in achieving the goal of creating net zero investment portfolios.

ESG Data

ESG Data

We provide a series of ESG data sets, including carbon emissions dataset, EU SFDR compliance dataset, corporate governance dataset, etc. We are committed to integrating the most substantive ESG data for investors, so that investors can easily obtain all relevant information from a single data portal, saving time on information aggregation, and focusing more on in-depth research and decision-making.

ESG Rating

ESG Rating

GSG has developed the GSG Intelex QuotientTM (GSG IQTM) evaluation system, which provides a comprehensive coverage of listed companies' governance fundamentals through a three-tier scoring system and over 100 underlying indicators, providing an important perspective for measuring the sustainable development potential of Chinese listed companies and assisting investors in avoiding potential risks.

ESG Investment Solutions

ESG Investment Solutions

GSG provides a series of customized ESG solutions to meet different needs for our clients. These include tailor-made ESG rating system supporting clients’ ESG strategies, compliance services of global ESG regulations such as EU SFDR and Hong Kong FMCC, strategic planning and system building in compliance with PRI and TCFD, ESG reporting, and responding to stakeholder ESG inquiries, etc.

Proxy Voting Advice

Proxy Voting Advice

We assist investors in formulating proxy voting policies for AGMs by combining domestic regulations and overseas best practices. We provide proxy research reports and voting suggestions for the proposals on the AGMS, help monitor the progress of resolutions with opposing or abstaining views of clients, provide risk analysis for those resolutions, and assist in voting data analysis.

Climate-related Risk Management and Action Planning

Climate-related Risk Management and Action Planning

We support climate-related risk analysis, assessment and management based on TCFD and other mainstream frameworks, provide customized carbon neutrality planning through applicable management tools and emission reduction technologies, and help companies in actively addressing climate risks, seizing development opportunities, and consistently promoting corporate carbon neutrality.

Science Based Target (SBT) Setting

Science Based Target (SBT) Setting

GSG assists companies in setting SBT (Science Based Target) and Net-Zero (Long-term Net-Zero Target) in accordance with SBTi standards to demonstrate their leadership in low carbon development and meet the expectations of investors, clients, and other important stakeholders. GSG also help companies develop implementation plans based on the target decomposition and pathway analysis.

News and Events


GSG’s progress in high-emission industries project with support of HSBC China

GSG,supported by HSBC China and SEE Foundation, and in partnership with the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), are thrilling to introduce project progress of Supporting Low Carbon Transition of Emissions-intensive Industries in China. Sponsored by HSBC Clima


(Chinese version only)鼎力可持续顾问大力支持“全球可持续金融组织与倡议发展实践”论坛成功举办



(Chinese version only)鼎力参与深圳绿色金融及可持续发展系列论坛 建言环境信披

2022年1月26日上午,由深圳市地方金融监督管理局指导,深圳市绿色金融协会、深圳经济特区金融学会联合举办的 “金融机构碳核算的实践与发展论坛”在深圳国银金融中心通过线上线下相结合的方式召开。本次论坛是深圳市绿色金融协会“深圳绿色金融及可持续发展系列论坛”活动的首秀!鼎力公司ESG业务负责人李奕熹结合鼎力公司为海内外机构提供环境信息披露与碳核算方面服务的经验,为与会者分享了海外投资机构的相关实践以及对国内机构投资管理方面的借鉴意义。


(Chinese version only)鼎力王德全博士主持“ESG投资策略如何指导投资实践”圆桌论坛


Research Insights

(Chinese version only)中国气候披露规定下一站何在?——基于内地香港气候相关披露要求的对比分析



(Chinese version only)ESG数据|ESG投资,钱都去哪了?——鼎力绿色收入数据集观察



(Chinese version only)鼎力聚焦 | 《可持续发展报告编制指南(征求意见稿)》解读 (上篇)



(Chinese version only)ESG投资跟踪|基金公司视角:各家ESG投资进展如何?


  • Shenzhen
  • Beijing
  • Shanghai
  • Hong Kong
  • Address:Room 812, Shenzhen CBD Landmark, No. 4028 Jintian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen

  • Address:Room 1101-3, China HP Building, No.112 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

  • Address:Floor 12, China Resources Times Square, No.500 Zhangyang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

  • Address:Floor 16, The Hong Kong Club Building, No. 3A Chater Road, Central, Hong Kong

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